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Texas Heartless Legislature

By Charlotte Robinson, May 23, 2017
The Texas House of Representatives has passed S.B. 2078 that bars transgender students from using bathrooms consistent with their gender identity. The House also voted to pass a bill that would allow publicly funded adoption agencies to turn away qualified potential parents because they are LGBT, unmarried partners or religious minorities. Laura E. Durso, Center for American Progress Vice President of the LGBT Research & Communications Project stated, “Politicians in Texas are sinking to new lows after forcing through two bills amounting state-mandated discrimination against Texas students & families. Despite widespread opposition from individual Texans & businesses alike, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick is ignoring his constituents in favor of a cruel bill that targets transgender students for humiliation & harassment. Today, a staggering 77 percent of respondents who are out or perceived to be transgender report being harassed, discriminated against, or even assaulted in school. Transgender students deserve a safe learning environment, just like every other young person. This bathroom ban will only make schools even more hostile to transgender youth than they already are. This is North Carolina’s H.B. 2 all over again but this time, Texas legislators are directly targeting transgender kids. This type of discrimination has been rejected across the United States, drawing outrage & condemnation from every corner of the country. This follows yesterday’s unconscionable vote allowing adoption & foster care agencies to turn away qualified parents just because they’re LGBT or religious minorities. It’s clear that the Texas legislature is willing to put kids at risk to satisfy pressure from the far right. Texans need to leverage their voices this week & demand Governor Greg Abbott (R) reject these dangerous bills, which would make the Texas legislature a national embarrassment.”
For More Info: equalitytexas.org
Listen: Rev. Edmonds-Allen Talks LGBTQ Religious Freedom Event
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


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