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DeVos Discriminatory Position

By Charlotte Robinson, May 26, 2017
Secretary DeVos has reinforced her homophobic position stating that she would not intervene if states allowed discrimination. Eliza Byard GLSEN's Executive Director stated, "It is appalling that Secretary DeVos could not name a single example of discrimination that would disqualify a school from receiving federal funds. Equality of opportunity for every child is a bedrock American commitment. Living up to that promise is an ongoing investment. Any betrayal of this commitment in the name of “states’ rights” & “local control” is a shameful stain on our society & the antithesis of true education leadership. No child in this country should be abandoned because they are disabled, LGBTQ, black or brown, Muslim, an immigrant, because their family is poor, or because they are ‘different’ in any other way. Painful, damaging discrimination against children is taking place daily in our schools. More than half of LGBTQ students have experienced discrimination at school. Last year, more than 16,000 families turned to the Department of Education for help when their children were hurt by discrimination of all kinds. Is Secretary DeVos truly prepared to turn away from addressing instances of discrimination, in violation of the law?” Nathan Smith, GLSEN Director of Public Policy concluded, "Allowing discrimination is not a ‘states’ right’, as Secretary DeVos suggests. Discrimination of any kind against students has no place in publicly-funded schools or programs. The U.S. Department of Education itself is charged by Congress with civil rights enforcement responsibilities & has a vital role to play in stepping up for students who lack the voice or resources to stand up for themselves.”
For More Info: glsen.org
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