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Against The Tide Virtual Benefit Events

By Charlotte Robinson, August 09, 2020
Massachusetts Breast Cancer Coalition (MBCC) is presenting three virtual events for its annual Against the Tide athletic fundraisers that kicks off on Saturday August 15th, then continues on September 19th & concludes on September 26th. The virtual event components include a one mile recreational or competitive swims, a half mile recreational swim, 5K or 10K runs, a three mile walk, a half mile stand-up paddleboard event & a two mile kayak event. For participants who are looking to challenge themselves there is also an Aquathon option consisting of a competitive one mile swim followed immediately by either a 5K or 10K run. Cheryl Osimo, MBCC's Executive Director stated, "We are grateful to the many people who come out to support MBCC every year at Against the Tide events & we hope that providing participants with multiple virtual options will give everyone a chance to be a part of the Against the Tide events & to swim, walk, run, paddle, or kayak in support of cancer prevention. We've tried hard to balance the health & safety of our supporters, while trying to ensure important funds are raised to support MBCC's programs." Share your event photos & they'll be included in the Against the Tide photo album on the MBCC website & Facebook page & there will be prizes awarded to the top fundraisers. Registration fees are $40 for an individual participant & $100 for a family registration of up to five family members. Massachusetts Breast Cancer Coalition is the state's leading breast cancer organization dedicated to preventing the environmental causes of breast cancer through community education, research advocacy & changes to public policy.
For More Info & Registration…
For More Info: lambdalegal.org
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