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LGBTQ Leaders Support Kamala Harris

By Charlotte Robinson, August 12, 2020
Joe Biden's pick of Senator Kamala Harris (CA) to join his ticket to become the 46th President & Vice President of the United States is historic & as a fierce LGBTQ ally Harris has always been a friend & champion to our LGBTQ community. Rea Carey, Executive Director of the National LGBTQ Task Force Action Fund stated, “With Joe Biden’s announcement that Senator Kamala Harris will be his running mate, history has been made. As the third woman & the first woman of color to be a Vice Presidential candidate, millions of people across the country will finally see themselves reflected in this historic choice…With the attacks on democracy, voting rights, immigration, abortion & other civil rights, access to voting, criminal & economic justice & the U.S. Postal Service has shown that this administration will stop at nothing to weaken democracy & call into question the election outcome. This is not a partisan issue, this is not a Republican versus Democrat issue, this is an American issue. The most important thing for each & every one of us to do is to vote. Vote your heart & your head for those candidates who you feel will best serve you, the LGBTQ community & the country.” Alphonso David President Human Rights Campaign concluded, “Time & time again, Sen. Harris has shown herself to be a fighter & an LGBTQ champion. She has been an outspoken advocate for the LGBTQ community throughout her groundbreaking career, advocating for us when many, even sometimes those within her own party, did not. Together with Biden, they make up the most pro-equality & one of the most diverse presidential tickets our nation has ever seen. We need to elect them & united I know we can!”
For More Info: joebiden.com
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