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Faith Leaders Support The Equality Act

By Charlotte Robinson, February 25, 2021

With the U.S. House of Representatives about to vote on the Equality Act national religious leaders are speaking out in support of LGBTQ nondiscrimination protections. The Center for American Progress held a virtual conference on behalf of the Faith for Equality coalition, LGBTQ & faith leaders to discuss the importance of passing this crucial civil rights legislation. More than 100 faith groups have endorsed the Equality Act which would provide consistent & explicit nondiscrimination protections for LGBTQ Americans including employment, housing, credit, education, public spaces & services, federally funded programs & jury service. Rabbi Jared Saks, of Congregation Bet Ha’am in South Portland, Maine stated, “The most central theme throughout Jewish scripture is equality—fair treatment of those who are at the greatest risk. In 29 states, we can still be evicted from our homes, thrown out of restaurants & denied loans, among other things, for who we are & who we love. For too long, we have lived without the critical protections that the Equality Act will provide—protections that should be secured for each one of us, regardless of where we live in this nation. The current patchwork of protections is insufficient.” Scott Simpson, Public Advocacy Director at Muslim Advocates concluded, “The scourge of discrimination against American Muslims of all backgrounds is happening nationwide. The scourge can be summed up in three words: ‘No Muslims allowed.’ … Muslims & people perceived to be Muslim are often discriminated against in public accommodations that will be newly covered by the Equality Act—airlines, taxis & ride shares, health care providers, food banks, shelters, gyms & rec centers & so many places where American Muslims just want to go about their day-to-day business free from discrimination.”

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