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Jennifer Dane Leads LGBTQ Military Org

By Charlotte Robinson, February 10, 2021

The Modern Military Association of America (MMAA) the nation’s largest LGBTQ military organization has selected Jennifer Dane as their new executive director. Dane is a U.S. Air Force veteran & has served as the organization’s interim executive director since February 2020. Joshua Fontanez, Chair of the MMAA Board of Directors stated, “Over the last several months, Jennifer has stepped up to lead & truly moved this organization forward in our fight to advance fairness & equality for the LGBTQ military & veteran community. Her collaborative leadership style & clear vision for modern military & veteran families are a perfect fit for the vitally important work we have ahead of us.” Jennifer Dane MMAA Executive Director concluded, “I’m honored & humbled to be entrusted with this role at a critical juncture in our movement’s history. We’ve come so far & achieved so much thanks to the selfless advocates who never gave up in their fight to overturn discriminatory policies & ensure today’s modern military families have the support they deserve. With so much left to accomplish, I’m proud to lead this organization forward & double down in our incredibly important work to support & defend the LGBTQ military & veteran community.” Jennifer a Air Force veteran served as an intelligence analyst focusing on geopolitical, terrorism & threat vulnerability issues. The Modern Military Association of America formed through the merger of the American Military Partner Association & OutServe-SLDN creating a united voice for the LBGTQ military & veteran community. They work to make a real difference in the lives of our modern military families through education, advocacy & support. For More Info... 

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