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Trump Discriminatory Regulation Halted

By Charlotte Robinson, February 11, 2021

The Biden Administration has halted the discriminatory U.S. Department of Health & Human Services rule that would have eliminated essential protections preventing service providers from discriminating on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, & other characteristics when providing HHS grant-funded services. Currey Cook, Lambda Legal Senior Counsel & Youth In Out-Of-Home Care Project Director stated, “We are thrilled to see this Administration taking immediate steps to prioritize the safety & wellbeing of the communities that HHS is charged with protecting, particularly when it comes to their ability to access the critical services that HHS funds. If this Trump administration rule were ever to become law, our plaintiffs – youth & alumni in foster care & advocacy organizations dedicated to safety & equity for LGBTQ children & families, LGBTQ youth experiencing homelessness & LGBTQ seniors - would be harmed, along with other youth & families who would face potential denial of services & discrimination.” Alphonso David Human Rights Campaign President concluded, “Discrimination should not be allowed in federally-funded programs -- it’s plain & simple. We thank Lambda Legal for their leadership on this lawsuit & commend the Biden administration on taking immediate steps to prioritize the well-being & safety of our communities by halting implementation & undertaking a review of a Trump-era policy that would have endangered access to critical services for LGBTQ people, religious minorities & women.” The Biden-Harris administration agreed to postpone the rule’s effective date stating that the Trump-era policy is under review & agreed to advise the court on its progress. The court order issued postpones the effective date of the rule for 180 days until August 2021.

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