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LGBTQ Praise Buttigieg Confirmation

By Charlotte Robinson, February 03, 2021

By a vote of 86-13 the U.S. Senate confirmed Pete Buttigieg as the next secretary of transportation becoming the first openly LGBTQ person to be confirmed to a cabinet-level position. Winnie Stachelberg, Executive VP For External Affairs at the Center for American Progress stated, “Secretary Buttigieg’s confirmation hardly seemed possible just a few years ago. When he first took office as mayor of South Bend, Indiana, in 2012, he wasn’t allowed to legally marry. Less than a decade later, after a trailblazing presidential campaign, he is now a cabinet secretary. Buttigieg’s historic rise correlates with the immense progress that the LGBTQ community—through relentless activism & unflinching persistence—has made in recent years. But his nomination also serves as a reminder that the fight is not finished. Though LGBTQ Americans finally have an ally in the White House once again, there is much work still to be done, including the passage of the Equality Act to ensure that future generations of LGBTQ politicians, public servants & everyday Americans are protected from discrimination no matter who occupies the Oval Office.” Erin Uritus, CEO of Out & Equal Workplace Advocates concluded, “Today it is even easier for LGBTQ Americans to see ourselves in national leadership & we look forward to witnessing the power of someone from our own community bringing their full, authentic self into this role. Every workplace deserves out leadership - our federal government is no exception. The Biden-Harris administration deserves praise for continuing to demonstrate that diversity, visibility & representation matter. On behalf of Out & Equal Workplace Advocates, I would like to congratulate the newly confirmed head of the Department of Transportation, Secretary Pete Buttigieg! We will continue to work to see more talented leaders, representing every aspect of the LGBTQ community, rise to ever greater positions of leadership.” For More Info: outandequal.org 

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