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OutRight Global Summit Goes Virtual

By Charlotte Robinson, October 04, 2021

OutRight Action International is presenting its seventh annual OutSummit entitled “Human Rights For LGBTIQ People Everywhere” virtually from December 8th to 10th 2021 to reflect on the LGBTQ organizing, strategize collectively & celebrate queer people globally. OutSummit has been held for the past six years around Human Rights Day on December 10th to acknowledge the human rights of LGBTQ people that are still criminalized in 67 countries with 13 countries criminalizing trans people & another 37 countries targeting trans people through vagrancy, prostitution, morality or other laws. Presently only 5 countries ban sexual orientation & gender identity change practices which often use brutal psychological & physical force to attempt to change, suppress, divert or reorient someone's sexual orientation or gender identity. Maria Sjödin OutRight Acting Executive Director stated, “For the seventh year in a row we are gearing up to host OutSummit, our annual global convening for LGBTIQ equality. For the second time it will be held virtually, enabling diverse stakeholders from our movement across the world to participate. I’m excited to announce that our first keynote speaker this year will be Gigi Chao, a prominent & publicly outspoken advocate for LGBTIQ rights in Asia. Gigi is co-founder of Hong Kong Marriage Equality & founder of Faith in Love Foundation. I’m thrilled that she will be sharing her story with us!” The first virtual OutSummit brought together more than 1600 people from 100+ countries for 30+ keynotes & sessions in 2020. For 30 years, OutRight Action International has documented, defended & advanced human rights for our global LGBTQ community. 

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