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Texas Passing Trans Kids Discrimination

By Charlotte Robinson, October 14, 2021

In Texas transphobic legislators are successfully attempting to ban our transgender kids from school sports under the deception of leveling the playing field. However this bill is not about fairness but rather about stigmatizing & harming our trans youth. Now this horrendous Texas legislation HB 25 that will restrict transgender students from competing in athletic competitions with their own gender groups has passed through the Calendars Committee to the full House of Representatives. Ricardo Martinez, Chief Executive Officer of Equality Texas stated, “The Texas Legislature’s unrelenting assault on transgender children continued today as the House Calendars Committee voted to move HB 25 to the full House without deliberation. The only word to describe this move is cruel. Despite unequivocal evidence of the harm filing, hearing & debating anti-trans bills has caused trans kids & their families & overwhelming community opposition at each & every hearing, legislators choose to ignore the voices of the people. They are putting politics above people — above innocent children. The majority of Texans believe discrimination against LGBTQ+ people is wrong. Common sense policy doesn’t seek to harm Texans or ignore the negative implications of bills being proposed. Transgender children participating in sports is not a national emergency or a Texas emergency; these attacks on trans kids & the ongoing trauma to the trans community certainly are. This is unconscionable. We will continue to show up to the Capitol in opposition of these bills & will do everything we can to ensure they are defeated once & for all.” Equality Texas is the largest statewide organization working to secure full equality for LGBTQ Texans through political action, education, community organizing & collaboration. 

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