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US Passport To Add X Gender Marker

By Charlotte Robinson, October 28, 2021

The US State Department has issued a US Passport with an X gender marker. This is the first time a gender-neutral passport has been issued in America finally sending a strong message in support of the rights of transgender, intersex & non-binary citizens. While only one passport has been issued a routine roll out of the X gender marker is expected in early 2022 after necessary administrative changes are made to relevant forms & systems. Maria Sjödin, Acting Executive Director of OutRight Action International stated, “Trans, intersex & non-binary people face a myriad of discrimination & access barriers, as well as harassment & degrading treatment, when the gender marker in their documentation does not correspond with the norms associated with their gender expression. Offering a non-binary gender marker is not revolutionary - it is simply a reflection of reality which will enable people who do not identify as male or female to be recognized as their true selves. We welcome this step from the US State Department, urge authorities to ensure swift roll-out of the provision & encourage other countries to follow suit.” Fifteen countries currently recognize some form of third gender marker in some way including Austria, Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Canada, Colombia, Germany, India, Iceland, The Netherlands, Nepal, New Zealand, Pakistan, Uruguay & now the US. Thereafter people in the US will be able to self-identify as M, F or X on their passports. OutRight Action International works at a global, regional & national level to eradicate the persecution, inequality & violence LGBTIQ people face around the world. OutRight has recognized consultative status at the United Nations. For More Info…

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