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Gay Ally Daniel Radcliffe Speaks OUT

By Charlotte Robinson, April 20, 2011
You have to love the new generation of celebrities like
Daniel Radcliffe. He’s an active gay ally for LGBT rights
especially for LGBTQ teens with his work for the Trevor
Project & when asked who he admires he stated our
gay ally Lady Gaga for her outspoken strong stand on
LGBT Equality. Radcliffe stated, “I mean, she has a
slightly more flamboyant way of putting her point
across than I would & it suits her a lot better than it
would me. But we're both aiming for the same thing.'
Daniel Radcliffe is currently starring in "How to
Succeed in Business Without Really Trying" on
For LGBTQ Info: trevorproject.org
Exclusive Audio Chat with James Nadeau,
Executive Director of the Boston LGBT Film

Fest which celebrates its 27th year & runs

from May 5 -15th

Exclusive Audio Chat with Malcolm Lazin
about Equality Forum 2011 the largest LGBT

Summit April 25th to May 1st in Philly


Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
Support Our Vision @ OUTTAKE™ EQUALITY STORE...:)
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

1 comment:

Daniel Radcliffe said...

It's something I've always been quite passionate about. Because I grew up around gay men, it was always a natural thing to me. It was never something I ever gave a second thought to.

Lady Gaga is very outspoken as well, and it's just about being who you were born as. It's wonderful that other people are coming out from all different spectrums. I mean, she has a slightly more flamboyant way of putting her point across than I would, and it suits her a lot better than it would me. But we're both aiming for the same thing.

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