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Happy Gay Easter

By Charlotte Robinson, April 24, 2011
Lady Gaga released the video for her provocative single,
“Judas,” this Easter. From wearing see-through nun habits
to suggestively swallowing a rosary, the pop star, who was
raised a Catholic, has consistently pushed her faith’s strict
sexual conventions. Lady Gaga may offend some Catholics
with her support for gay equality but a recent study shows
that today’s Catholics are the most progressive Christians in
the country regarding gay equality & even more open than
Americans in general. 74 % of American Catholics surveyed
supported the rights of same-gender couples to marry or
form civil unions. Happy Easter to Our LGBT Community…:)
Exclusive Audio Chat with James Nadeau,
Executive Director of the Boston LGBT Film

Fest which celebrates its 27th year & runs

from May 5 -15th

Exclusive Audio Chat with Malcolm Lazin
about Equality Forum 2011 the largest LGBT

Summit April 25th to May 1st in Philly


Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
Support Our Vision @ OUTTAKE™ EQUALITY STORE...:)
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

1 comment:

Dr. Robert Jones said...

The Public Religion Research Institute, a nonprofit group, reports that 74 percent of American Catholics surveyed supported the rights of same-gender couples to marry or form civil unions (43 percent and 31 percent, respectively). The telephone survey asked more than 3,000 adults to choose among three options: whether gay couples should be allowed to marry, should be allowed to form civil unions or should receive no legal recognition. By comparison, 16 percent of white evangelical Christians approved of same-gender marriages; 24 percent approved of civil unions. Among the general public, those rates climb to 37 and 27 percent, respectively still lower than among Catholics.

Robert P. Jones, CEO & Founder, Public Religion Research Institute

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