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LGBT Performer Justin Bond Speaks to OUT

By Charlotte Robinson, April 14, 2011
When I caught Kiki & Herb on Broadway a few years ago
we sat in the first row & saw the performance upfront
& personal. Justin Vivian Bond’s Kiki was flawless as
the aging cabaret diva that’s compelling, hilarious &
heart-wrenching all at the same time. Whether singing
about the ancient gender-variant priests, the Galli, as
Bond did in the 2010 show Re:Galli Blonde (A Sissy
Fix), or performing as Kiki DuRane with Kenny
Mellman’s Herb as the tragic, washed-up lounge act
Kiki & Herb, it's always a gender-transformance
journey at its best.
Bond’s Oscar-winning friend, Tilda Swinton stated,
“It suddenly occurred to me that not only Kiki but
also Justin are great mother figures to those that
know them: all-embracing, all-seeing, all-knowing,
unshakable, unconditionally present .... When I
introduced a longhaired, nail-varnished, impeccable,
treacle-voiced Justin, to my 4-year-old daughter
she asked me, ‘Is Justin a man or a lady?’
Before I could speak, she answered herself,
‘Oh, it doesn’t matter.’ ”
Bond is the Cover Story of the May OUT Mag...:)
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1 comment:

Justin Vivian Bond said...

To deal with homophobia and transphobia, I became Kiki. When I grew up the only way I learned how to survive was to be funny. I was my mom’s most glamorous accessory, and my mother’s greatest embarrassment. I thought I was a trans woman and that I had to go get an operation. I thought you either had to be one or the other, and I didn’t realize until much later that you could be neither or both.

Justin Vivian Bond is an Artist, Songwriter & Chanteuse

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