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The New Gay Leaders: 40 Under 40

By Charlotte Robinson, April 13, 2011
Exclusive Audio Chat with Malcolm Lazin
about Equality Forum 2011 the largest LGBT

Summit April 25th to May 1st in Philly


The May issue of The Advocate is profiling 40 LGBT
leaders under 40 that are moving our LGBT civil
rights forward. Facebook cofounder Chris Hughes &
his fiancé, Sean Eldridge, Political Director of Freedom
to Marry, grace the cover. They’re young influential men
& women shaping the future of LGBT politics, arts &
entertainment. These entrepreneurs, activists, politicians,
artists & athletes are out, proud & changing the world.
Chris Hughes’s story, became the talk of Hollywood with
the release of The Social Network. While it was one of the
most critically praised films of 2010, Hughes confirms
that the film is primarily legend. He stated, “The point of
a movie is to entertain, so they can take a simple story line
& blow it up in a way that becomes a complete fiction,
which is what they did. I think the portrayals of the other
guys were far from rosy, so I count myself lucky.
I squeezed by.” For More Info: www.advocate.com
Exclusive Audio Interview w/ Erin McHugh
about her new book “The L-Life: Extraordinary

Lesbians Making a Difference” w/ Jane Lynch,

Kate Clinton, Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin

& 23 more Icons

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
Support Our Vision @ OUTTAKE™ EQUALITY STORE...:)
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage


Chris Hughes said...

As for Obama and our LGBT civil rights, I think there’s a lot of work that our movement still needs to do, including changing more hearts and minds and pushing for a DOMA repeal bill. It’s not all on him; it’s on us as well. He says he’s on this journey, but I think he’s not moving quickly enough. I know that in his heart of hearts he has respect for us, he has respect for gay people. But he doesn’t get a free pass.

Chris Hughes, Co-Founder of Facebook

Sean Eldridge said...

We’re at this natural point in our relationship. We considered waiting to exchange vows until marriage is legal in New York but now hope the law catches up with us. We certainly won’t shy away from talking to the governor and other elected officials about it and telling them our story and why we want to get married. But at the end of the day, it’s our wedding. It’s about us. It’s not purely a political thing.

Sean Eldridge, Political Director of Freedom to Marry & Hughes’s Fiancé

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