about her new book “The L-Life: Extraordinary
Lesbians Making a Difference” w/ Jane Lynch,
Kate Clinton, Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin
& 23 more Icons @ OUTTAKE VOICES™

being able to pass gay marriage in America even though
more than a majority of people support it for the first time.
He pointed out the new ABC poll that only 53% of people
support gay marriage which means that "47% of Americans
are assholes." Maher stated, "Now that a Cheney, a McCain
& a Bush have come out to support gay marriage, it's your
turn, Obama.” Mahr also gave credit for changing opinions
to television "which in the last five years has gotten gayer
than the British navy. If there's one thing I know about
Americans is that if they see something on TV it makes it ok.”
We agree with Bill Maher. Education is extremely important
& television is a crucial tool. Let's see what Hollywood can
provide for the 2011 Fall Season. Updates to Come...:)

Gay Rights & Dish @ OUTTAKE VOICES™

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1 comment:
This is remarkable progress considering that it wasn't that long ago that just saying the words gay marriage made most Americans throw up in their Cornflakes. So, tonight, I'd like to congratulate the leadership of the Democratic party who really stood up for what was right. I'd like to, but I can't. Because other than Gavin Newsom, Dennis Kucinich and that Governor of New Jersey who went all Brokeback Mountain with his bodyguard, no Democrat would touch this issue with a ten inch pole.
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