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Why is Obama Afraid of Gay Marriage?

Video: Obama's LGBT White House Speech (Below)
Watching Obama’s press conference was disappointing
when is came to marriage equality. Laura Meckler of the
Wall Street Journal asked the question directly, “Do you
personally support gay marriage?” “I'm not going to make
news on that today,” Obama said to laughter of reporters.
“Good try, though.” Meckler tried again. Obama dodged
again. “Laura, I think this has been asked & answered,”
he said, smiling. “I'll just – I'll keep on giving you the
same answer until I give you a different one. All right?
And that won't be today.” The majority of Americans
support gay marriage by 53% in a recent Gallup Poll.
Yes we're entering into an election year. Why is it that
the 2 Republican frontrunners are proud of their
homophobic position by saying they want to support
a federal amendment against marriage equality but the
Obamas continue to avoid the issue? What are they
afraid of? If they are as homophobic as the GOP then
stop lying to our LGBT community & tell us the truth.
If they are not homophobic then come out & support
marriage equality. You can’t have it both ways....
Video: Watch Obama's LGBT White House Speech

Exclusive Chat with Richard Emmanuel,
visionary & dedicated political activist talks

about the importance of the words we use to

win LGBT Equality

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

3 More Fired Under DADT

New Exclusive Audio Chat w/ Josh Rosenzweig,
Programming at Here Media & the timely
move to increase production in New York as gay

marriage passes...more

This has to stop. Air Force spokesman Maj. Joel Harper
confirmed that 3 additional service members, 2 female
staff sergeants & a male 2nd lieutenant have been
approved for discharge under “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.”
Recently we reported that “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” is
being delayed again by months or more. Defense
Secretary Gates reneged on his promise to sign the
certification before he retires June 30th. Instead it
will be coming from his successor Leon Panetta in
late July or early August. After it is certified there
is a 60 days waiting period before it takes effect.
Despite Obama signing the repeal of DADT it is
still unsafe for service members to come out until
60 days after certification.
Listen to Audio Interview with Aubrey Sarvis on
DADT Update below...:) More to Come....

Exclusive Audio Chat with Aubrey Sarvis,
Executive Director of Servicemembers Legal

Defense Network with a “Don’t Ask, Don’t

Tell” Repeal Update

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

Take Sex Out of Our Marriage Discussion

New Exclusive Audio Chat w/ Josh Rosenzweig,
Programming at Here Media & the timely
move to increase production in New York as gay

marriage passes...more

Gay Marriage finally passing in New York is definitely
a game-changer. When Governor Andrew Cuomo
announced that gay marriage had passed by a vote
of 33-29 Friday night he used the proper language.
He never used the religious right’s term “same-sex
marriage”. We must take “sex” out of our marriage
discussion. Use the terms “gay marriage”, “marriage
equality” or “same-gender marriage”. To expedite
equality for our LGBT community understand
language & know that every time our opponents hear
the word ‘sex’ a red flag goes up & their minds close.
Note that coverage by mainstream media outlets all
use the term ‘same-sex’ to stir the pot. Just think
about the language we use. Gay marriage on the
federal level will be achieved when our opponents
understand that marriage equality is a spiritual truth
& it is beyond sex. Updated to Come…:)
Exclusive Audio Chat with Kathleen Turner
about her new film The Perfect Family that deals
w/ LGBT family & religious issues. Check it OUT

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

Gay Marriage Passes in New York!!

Congrats to New York in becoming the 6th state to pass
gay marriage just in time for your Gay Pride Celebration!!
We are so happy for you to feel what we have enjoyed in
Massachusetts for 7 fabulous years!! (Vote: 33-29)
Robin McGehee from GetEQUAL statement,
“After days of waiting which followed months of pressure
& years of groundwork, New York State has embraced
marriage equality -- just in time for NYC Pride this
weekend. It'll be quite the celebration, I'm sure!
Congrats definitely go out to all the groups & individuals
who have worked so hard to get this done, who are too
numerous to name. With this vote, we have now doubled
the number of LGBT Americans who can legally marry
in this country.”
Exclusive Chat with Richard Emmanuel,
visionary & dedicated political activist talks

about the importance of the words we use to

win LGBT Equality

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

“Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” Delayed Again

UPDATE: 3 More Fired Under DADT
“Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” is being delayed again by at
least a few months or more. Defense Secretary Robert
Gates told Agence France-Presse (AFP) in an interview
on June 23rd that the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” (DADT)
repeal wouldn't be certified before he retires June 30th,
instead it will be coming from his successor Leon Panetta
in late July or early August. A few weeks ago Gates said
the opposite. After it is certified there is a 60 days waiting
period before it takes effect. This means until that time
which could be a year after the repeal was signed by
Obama last December, our gay & lesbian community
serving in the military must continue to serve in silence.
This is an extremely important issue for our community.
We must not become complacent & make sure this
archaic legislation is removed once and for all.
Listen to Audio Interview with Aubrey Sarvis on
DADT Update below...:) More to Come....
Exclusive Audio Chat with Aubrey Sarvis,
Executive Director of Servicemembers Legal

Defense Network with a “Don’t Ask, Don’t

Tell” Repeal Update

Exclusive Audio Chat with Kathleen Turner
about her new film The Perfect Family that deals
w/ LGBT family & religious issues. Check it OUT

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

Obama Still Avoids Gay Marriage

For months, Obama has insisted his position on gay
marriage is “evolving”. Last night in NYC Obama
addressed a gay & lesbian event that cost $1,250 to
$35,800 (the legal maximum) per person to Obama’s
campaign & the Democratic National Committee to
attend. “We’re going to keep on fighting until the law
no longer treats committed partners who’ve been
together for decades like they’re strangers,” Obama
told a crowd of more than 600, many of whom had
come from other states to attend his first fundraiser
specifically for our LGBT community in the 2012
election cycle. Actor Neil Patrick Harris was the
emcee for this star-studded event. Though there
were shouts from the crowd, “Marriage” & “Do you
support it?” Obama just answered, “I hear you guys.”
He did address DOMA & his decision not to appeal
the court’s decision that found it unconstitutional
but unfortunately that’s about as far as he went.
Check OUT his speech in comments.
Updates to Come on NY Gay Marriage Vote…:)
Exclusive Audio Chat with Kathleen Turner
about her new film The Perfect Family that deals
w/ LGBT family & religious issues. Check it OUT

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

GLAAD Accepts Jarrett Barrios Resignation

The Board of Directors of the Gay & Lesbian Alliance
Against Defamation (GLAAD) today announced their
acceptance of President Jarrett Barrios' resignation.
The Board of Directors will now begin to assemble an
Executive Search Committee to select a new President.
Barrios announced his resignation in an email to the
Board of Directors on Saturday, June 18 in the heat of
his endorsement of the AT&T / T-Mobile merger.
GLAAD's Board of Directors appointed Mike Thompson,
Chief Operating Officer, as Acting President of the org.
"While media often focus on GLAAD's high-profile efforts,
it is GLAAD's work on the ground & behind-the-scenes
that is needed today more than ever. GLAAD's strong
track record and ability to move our culture is a result
of Jarrett's & the staff's commitment & leadership & that
staff commitment will continue as we move forward”,
stated Mike Thompson, GLAAD's Acting President.
Exclusive Audio Chat with Kathleen Turner
about her new film The Perfect Family that deals
w/ LGBT family & religious issues. Check it OUT

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

Obama to Attend Gay NYC Fundraiser

UPDATE: Obama Still Avoids Gay Marriage
While President Obama is "evolving" on his position
on gay marriage he appears tonight at a fundraiser
specifically for New York City’s LGBT community.
The appearance comes within the midst of the New
York Senate considering a bill that would make the
state the 6th to legalize marriage equality & just
before NYC celebrate gay pride.
The fundraiser is 1 of 3 the president will attend in
New York City today & is hosted by actor Neil Patrick
Harris. It will also include other entertainment figures
such as actresses Cynthia Nixon & Audra McDonald as
well former Rep. Patrick Murphy (D-Pa.), who helped
the passage of the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”
which is also still not in effect. White House officials
say not to expect any new stance on gay marriage from
Obama at the event that as many as 600 guests are
paying up to $35,800 each to attend.
LGBT activist groups GetEQUAL, Queer Rising &
Join The Impact are planning to protest outside the
New York Sheraton tonight at 5:30P where Obama
is attending this LGBT fundraiser.
Updates to Come…:)
Exclusive Audio Chat with Kathleen Turner
about her new film The Perfect Family that deals
w/ LGBT family & religious issues. Check it OUT

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

China Forbes Headed for Vocal Surgery

China Forbes the lead singer for the band Pink Martini
& a friend of mine is headed for vocal surgery & will
be taking a leave of absence from the group. Over the
past few months she has been dealing with a vocal
condition that unfortunately will require surgery to
resolve. We wish her a speedy recovery.
In the meantime Pink Martini will continue performing
under the direction of Thomas Lauderdale, with special
guest vocalists. Updates to Come….
Exclusive Audio Chat with Kathleen Turner
about her new film The Perfect Family that deals
w/ LGBT family & religious issues. Check it OUT

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

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