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Gay Teens At Risk in New CDC Study

By Charlotte Robinson, June 06, 2011
So now we have a new Centers for Disease Control &
Prevention (CDC) study that gay, lesbian & bisexual
high school students are more likely than heterosexual
students to engage in such risky behavior like smoking,
drinking alcohol & carrying guns. Interesting how they
avoided transsexual or questioning teens. The study
surveyed 156,000 high school students & is the largest
of its kind by the federal government. Howell Wechsler,
Director of the CDC's Division of Adolescent & School
Heath said, "This report should be a wake-up call for
families, schools & communities that we need to do a
much better job of supporting these young people. We
are very concerned that these students face such dramatic
disparities for so many different health risks." Researchers
analyzed data from student surveys conducted from 2001
to 2009 in Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Massachusetts,
Rhode Island, Vermont, Wisconsin & in the Boston, Chicago,
Milwaukee, New York City, San Diego & San Francisco school
districts. This info isn’t anything our LGBT community
wasn’t aware of but it should help get federal funding to
help our LGBTQ youth. Updates to Come…:)
Exclusive Audio Chat with Keri Aulita,
on this year's Boston Gay Pride events that
now through June 12th & more...:)

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage


Laura McGinnis said...

Gay, lesbian and bisexual youths are often driven to risky behavior because they are rejected by their families and other support groups. Gay and lesbian students were also much more likely to have seriously contemplated suicide. Nearly 30 percent of those students said they had considered suicide compared to 11.7 percent of heterosexual students. We've known this for years but the research hasn't been there to back it up. The new data should help increase the awareness of policymakers and lead to more training for school staff members.

Laura McGinnis, The Trevor Project

Ajlounyinjurylaw said...

Maybe it's only a teen thing in general. Most teens are emotionally charged.

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