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Gay Activist Wanda Sykes Speaks OUT

By Charlotte Robinson, June 08, 2011
Recently Wanda Sykes explained her position that
"it's harder to be gay than black". We know she’s
totally right. No one is trying to stop black people
from being black but in this country LGBT equality
exists only in a handful of states. She also spoke
about the plus & minuses of coming out. Sykes said,
"The best thing about coming is absolutely nothing
to hide. I mean, I am what I am & this is it. So now,
you know, you thought I had a big mouth before,
now it's just crazy. I'm like over the top, you know.
There's nothing that I can't say. The worst thing,
I guess, is just dealing with it, you know, like with
family & it's not necessarily the worst thing but, man,
it's like every day I get invited to some gay event...
good Lord, if I go show up at all these gay events,
I'm not going to make any money. I'm going to be
a broke gay. I'm going to be the brokest lesbian out
there." It's hard being Wanda but we love her...:)
Exclusive Audio Chat with Keri Aulita,
on this year's Boston Gay Pride events that
now through June 12th & more...:)

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

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