“Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” is being delayed again by at
least a few months or more. Defense Secretary Robert
Gates told Agence France-Presse (AFP) in an interview
on June 23rd that the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” (DADT)
repeal wouldn't be certified before he retires June 30th,
instead it will be coming from his successor Leon Panetta
in late July or early August. A few weeks ago Gates said
the opposite. After it is certified there is a 60 days waiting
period before it takes effect. This means until that time
which could be a year after the repeal was signed by
Obama last December, our gay & lesbian community
serving in the military must continue to serve in silence.
This is an extremely important issue for our community.
We must not become complacent & make sure this
archaic legislation is removed once and for all.
Listen to Audio Interview with Aubrey Sarvis on
DADT Update below...:) More to Come....

Executive Director of Servicemembers Legal
Defense Network with a “Don’t Ask, Don’t
Tell” Repeal Update @ OUTTAKE VOICES™

about her new film The Perfect Family that deals
w/ LGBT family & religious issues. Check it OUT

View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage
1 comment:
SLDN is very disappointed but not entirely surprised by the Secretary Gates’ statement that he will not be making the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” repeal certification before he departs. We are seeing an overabundance of caution by the service chiefs coupled with the Pentagon bureaucracy at work. It's hard to explain, much less justify, why this stage of the process is taking more than six months. Hopefully, Secretary Panetta will bring a new sense of urgency and energy and wrap up certification in a timely way.
Aubrey Sarvis, Executive Director of Servicemembers Legal Defense Network
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