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Big Surprise Mitt Romney is Homophobic

By Charlotte Robinson, August 06, 2011
Big surprise GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney
has signed the anti-gay pledge with the National Org
for Marriage to support a federal amendment "defining
marriage as the union of one man & one woman."
Remember this is the man who ran for senator in 1994
in Massachusetts claiming he would be “better on gay
rights then Ted Kennedy.” Then in 2002 when he became
governor stabbed us in the back & in the pocketbook in
2004 with his homophobic agenda causing Massachusetts
to lose millions by not allowing out-of-state gay marriages.
Now by joining the other homophobic GOP candidates &
signing this anti-gay petition Romney is showing how
dated & hateful his agenda is. Christian Berle, Deputy
Executive Director of the National Log Cabin Republicans,
said the Republican candidates who signed the pledge are
getting nothing but bad press. “The last thing Republicans
need or want is another group pushing the same outdated
social agenda under new branding,” Berle said.
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1 comment:

Christian Berle said...

Republicans got nothing but bad press from the first marriage pledge of the 2012 campaign season, which turned off voters and detracted from our party's commitment to addressing issues that matter to all Americans. The last thing Republicans need or want is another group pushing the same outdated social agenda under new branding. Like the original Family Leader pledge, the NOM document signed by Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum and Michelle Bachmann demands presidential power be used to circumvent the 10th Amendment and overrule local legislative decisions, including the choice by the District of Columbia's elected representatives to secure civil marriage parity. Further, the pledge asserts that the federal government should use its power and authority to investigate Americans who use their free speech rights to oppose the National Organization for Marriage's divisive agenda. NOM's fearful rhetoric does not speak for today's GOP and should not be dignified by any serious presidential contender. Our party is better than this pledge.

Christian Berle, Log Cabin Republicans Deputy Executive Director

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