Today at the United States District Court in San Francisco at 9A PST gay couples & myriad news outlets will ask Chief Judge James Ware to allow public access to the videotapes of the historic trial that ruled Prop 8 unconstitutional. “The marriage equality movement is about the coming out of our relationships & our families – the truth of our lives. Marriage equality opponents seek at the same time to silence our families & silence the trial evidence in this case. Let the tapes come out and speak for themselves,” stated Stuart Gaffney, Marriage Equality USA’s Media Director. Updates to Come…:)


View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage
1 comment:
It’s time for the videotapes of the trial to be made public so that the public can hear firsthand the testimony of lesbian and gay couples about the devastating harm that Proposition 8 causes their families. Last year, the district court conducted a 12 day trial where anyone and everyone had the opportunity to present evidence about Proposition 8. The court concluded in an extraordinarily detailed 136 page opinion that the opponents of marriage equality had produced not even a scintilla of evidence that could justify Prop. 8’s exclusion of loving, committed same-gender couples from marriage. Yet, marriage equality opponents continue to try to litigate the issue and keep the real facts away from the American people.
John Lewis, Marriage Equality USA’s Legal Director
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