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Openly Gay Tim Cook New Apple CEO

By Charlotte Robinson, August 25, 2011
It’s always exciting when network news interrupts itself with a breaking story. Steve Jobs stepping down from Apple was only part of the picture. Our LGBT community has a new role model as Tim Cook has been named CEO of Apple replacing Jobs. In May OUT Magazine’s Power 50, ranked Cook number one beating out Ellen Degeneres. Cook was actually outed earlier this year by tech media. However the important thing is that he’s out & will be a great inspiration for our LGBTQ teens who are 4 times more likely to attempt suicide then their heterosexual peers. The 50 year old Cook was noted as a "leader-in-waiting" after taking the CEO reins on numerous occasions while Jobs was on sick leave. He joined Apple in 1998 & served as Chief Operating Officer responsible for the company's worldwide sales & operations. For Newsy Video Info... Updates to Come..:)
Exclusive Audio Chat w/ hip-hop duo Jackson & Coleman Vrana of Elephant who’s controversial new music video Queer Nation takes on homophobia

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

1 comment:

Nareen Young said...

I think that it's a fantastic development. What it reinforces is that gay and lesbian people are everywhere and the fact that they have are reaching the senior echelons of business is an achievement. While there are a lot of role models out there, having a gay person at the helm of one of the world’s biggest companies might encourage people to come out who haven’t felt comfortable doing so in the past.

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