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Rare Earthquake Rocks East Coast

By Charlotte Robinson, August 23, 2011
The east coast got a wake-up call from Mother Nature as a 5.9 earthquake rocked the east coast from Virginia to Boston. Washington, D.C. had building evacuations & it was felt as far north as Rhode Island, NYC & even Martha's Vineyard where Obama is vacationing. In Boston some builds swayed where OUTTAKE MEDIA™ is located but our corporate loft escaped any serious damage…:) Updates to Come…
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Kelly Rivera Hart said...

East Coast earthquakes are far less common than in the West, but they tend to be felt over a broad area. That's because the crust is not as mangled and fractured, allowing seismic waves to travel without interruption. The Virginia quake came a day after an earthquake in Colorado toppled groceries off shelves and caused minor damage to homes in the southern part of the state and in northern New Mexico.

Ajlounyinjurylaw said...

Still when these quakes are felt they shake peoples nerves because they are a rare occurance.

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