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Best Gay Friendly New TV Show Canceled

By Charlotte Robinson, October 05, 2011
The Playboy Club has been canceled. This was the only new show of the 2011-12 TV season that really provided our LGBT community with strong & intriguing characters. As a feminist I thought the show would be insulting to women but instead the show really provided a realism that brought back a similar genre like Mad Men. NBC pulled the plug on The Playboy Club following the airing of its 3rd episode on Monday night which attracted only around 3.5 million viewers. Of course there was no mention that it was up against Monday Night Football. Censorship strikes again. Hopefully The Playboy Club finds a new home on cable so we can find out what happens at The Mattachine Society as it grows in size showing how our LGBT community had to hide their existence in 1960’s....Reruns of “Prime Suspect” will fill its Monday night slot until a newsmagazine hosted by NBC anchor Brian Williams takes over Oct. 31.
Exclusive Audio Chat with Malcolm Lazin, Founder of Equality Forum. October is LGBT History Month honoring LGBT leaders & icons. Check OUT the Video & More.....

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

1 comment:

Hugh Hefner said...

I’m sorry NBC’s ‘The Playboy Club’ didn’t find its audience. It should have been on cable, aimed at a more adult audience. Fans of ‘The Playboy Club’ are really upset at the cancellation. At the same time, there is renewed studio interest in a major motion picture on my life & the start of the Sexual Revolution.

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