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Ban Chick-fil-A & Let's Move On

By Charlotte Robinson, August 02, 2012
First of all our LGBT community has definitely used the Chick-fil-A situation properly. This incident has become a media frenzy that has brought attention to marriage equality in a very positive way. Chick-fil-A President & COO Dan Cathy created a firestorm over the past several weeks with his disclosure of his anti gay stance which goes well beyond simply opposing marriage equality. Chick-fil-A has given millions of dollars to anti LGBT organizations, including those that have been designated "hate groups" by the Southern Poverty Law Center & those that push so-called "ex-gay" therapy which has been denounced by the mainstream medical & mental health community. They have supported organizations that are on record saying that being gay should be criminalized once again in America. Chick-fil-A also bans gay couples from its "WinShape Retreats" aimed at growing leadership within the company. Wednesday’s demonstrations put marriage equality on every newscast across the country. No matter what your position is at least it got people talking & this is a good thing. Dan Cathy said that our pro LGBT culture suffers from a "deprived mind," that marriage equality is "twisted up," & that making marriage equality legal is "inviting God's judgment." I personally stopped eating fried sandwiches years ago because how unhealthy they are. It’s interesting that this unhealthy fried chicken sandwich now comes with a very homophobic message. GLAAD President Herndon Graddick stated, "As a private company, Chick-fil-A has every right to alienate as many customers as they want. But consumers & communities have every right to speak up when a company’s President accuses them of ‘inviting God’s wrath’ by treating their LGBT friends, neighbors & family members with respect." New research from polling organization YouGov finds that Chick-fil-A’s approval rating has plummeted more than 25 points since this story began just a few weeks ago. Corporate America has already discovered that being pro LGBT is good for the bottom line. Chick-fil-A is now discovering that the other side of the coin, that being anti LGBT is bad for business.

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage


gigabiting said...

Did you think Chick-fil-A was the only one?
The List: Food Companies that Mix Business with Conservative Agendas

Charlotte Robinson said...

Of course not. Chick-fil-A is just the tip of the iceberg. Thanks for the link...:)

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