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Gay Kiss In At Chick-fil-A Planned

By Charlotte Robinson, August 04, 2012
UPDATE: Gay rights activists kissed at Chick-fil-A stores across the U.S. yesterday in protest of the fast-food chain president's opposition to gay marriage & homophobic stance.
Was this demonstration effective? Time will tell...

This Chick-fil-A controversy has to end. Wednesday’s "Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day" brought all the homophobes out in droves at the eateries nationwide in support of the company. Today our LGBT community has planned a "kiss day" at Chick-fil-A outlets nationwide to protest the company official's stance against gay marriage. Whose idea was this anyways? It’s like a bunch of hippies fighting a redneck army. The only positive news we heard about the controversy was that New York City Council Speaker Christine Quinn wrote a letter to NYU President John Sexton calling for him to oust Chick-fil-A from their only location in New York at NYU over its leader's anti-gay stance. Quinn stated, "Let me be clear, I do not want establishments in my city that hold such discriminatory views. We are a city that believes our diversity is our greatest strength & we will fight anything & anyone that runs counter to that." Openly gay Quinn recently married her longtime partner last spring. Well back to the protest today. Gay rights activists & allies of marriage equality who plan to attend the national "Kiss In" at Chick-fil-A restaurants are encouraged to come to the fast-food chains & kiss another gay demonstrator. One organizer Carly McGehee of Dallas, said she hopes the event "helps LGBT youth who feel isolated & are victims of bullying."
Updates to Come…:)

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

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