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HRC Donates 1 Million For Gay Marriage

By Charlotte Robinson, August 06, 2012
HRC (Human Rights Campaign) has directed $1 million in cash to the 4 states where gay marriage is on the November ballot. $250,000 HRC funds are being presented to Maine, Washington, Maryland & Minnesota. HRC officials say that there will be more spending coming which makes the total amount spent by HRC in 2011 & 2012 on marriage equality efforts to $4.8 million. HRC's Michael Cole-Schwartz stated, "These ballot measures are the critical issues in November for our community, besides re-electing the president. And part of why they're a big deal is because our opponents have rightfully had the talking points that all of these states have banned marriage for same-gender couples in the past. This is the year where we really think that we have the opportunity to be the victors. We want to stand up & be leaders & spur more investments in these campaigns as well.” The fights in the 4 states will be taking place against the backdrop of Supreme Court challenges to DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act) section 3 which denies legally married gay couples 1,138 federal rights of marriage that heterosexual married couples receive. There will also be the challenge to California's Proposition 8. As we reported the biggest donations to the state pro gay marriage fights so far has been a $2.5 million pledge from Amazon founder Jeff Bezos to the Washington effort. The issue of gay marriage has not been central to the 2012 presidential race because of the situation of the economy but it still remains a heated issue with certain constituencies & has been a persistent issue by the homophobic conservatives. We congratulate HRC for this donation & hope that the funds are used wisely & strategically. For More Info: HRC.org

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

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