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LGBT Catholics Welcome New Pope

By Charlotte Robinson, March 14, 2013
Pope Francis is anti choice, anti abortion & anti gay through he claims that church teaching on homosexuality, including that "men & women who have deep-seated homosexual tendencies must be accepted with respect & compassion. He opposes gay marriage & has called it "demonic in origin. He strongly fought gay marriage legislation introduced in 2010 by the Argentine Government calling it a "real & dire anthropological throwback". Marriage equality is the law in Argentina. He also believes that adoption by gay & lesbian people is a form of discrimination against children. The gay catholic org DignityUSA Executive Director Marianne Duddy-Burke made this statement exclusively for OUTTAKE VOICES about the election of Pope Francis, “We join our fellow Catholics in praying for the ministry & leadership of Pope Francis. We applaud the cardinals for their recognition of the rising energy of the Catholic Church in the global South & the new possibilities & perspectives that may come from that region. We are encouraged by Pope Francis’ clear commitment to the poor & to the social justice tradition at the heart of our faith. At the same time, we acknowledge that as archbishop & cardinal the man who is now Pope Francis has made some very harsh & inflammatory statements about lesbian, gay, bisexual & transgender people. We recognize that sometimes this new job on which he embarks can change the man called to it. We call on our new Pope to recognize that he is now head of a Church that includes a huge number of LGBT people, their families & friends around the world. We invite him to take the time to learn about our lives, our faith & our families before he makes any papal pronouncements about us & we stand ready to enter into dialogue with him at any time.” For More Info: dignityusa.org


Dennis Velco said...

He also likened Gays adopting children to Child Abuse.

Bryce Thompson said...

Excuse my ignorance, but what is the difference between "papal" statements and "papal" pronouncements? Whatever the difference, the Catholics with "deep homosexual tendencies" are in the cycle of abuse with the Church and their new "welcomed," pope. The toxic rhetoric continues to contaminate the air of our gay youth!

Gail Rolf said...

the only thing new about this pope is his name.

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