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New Orleans Gay Easter Parade

By Charlotte Robinson, March 31, 2013
Probably the gayest place to spend Easter is New Orleans. That’s because of the 14th Annual Gay Easter Parade that takes place March 31st at 4:30P. It’s led by the fabulous Easter Grand Marshals XIV Tommy Elias & Starr Daniels. The parade contains more than 30 carriages, trolleys & wagons as well as bands, walking groups & some 15 trunks & cars. Rip Naquin-Delain, Editor of Ambush Magazine which presents the Gay Easter Parade states, “The parade serves as a fundraiser for Food for Friends, a program run by the NO/AIDs task force. Last year we were able to donate $36,000 from the Easter parade alone & that allowed them to add 100 clients to their program for one year. We wanted to foster a positive image for children & families. There will be no vulgar, Mardi Gras style throws. There will just be beads, stuffed animals & toys. Very family friendly.” The proceeds go to Food for Friends allows the task force to continue supplying groceries & home delivered meals to HIV infected & affected individuals in the New Orleans Area. The program helps assist people with nutritional challenges due to fiscal restrictions obtain the healthy meals necessary to stay healthy while living with HIV. The parade’s traditional route through the French Quarter beginning at N. Rampart and St. Ann, winding throughout the French quarter & ending at St. Peter. A pre-party will be held at Michaels on the Park around 3P & the post-party & buffet at 700 Club on Dauphine at 6P.
AUDIO: Red Carpet Celebs @  NYC GLAAD Awards

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