AUDIO: Exclusive Press Conference w/ Crucial Info From Prop 8
US Supreme Court Team. Check it OUT @ OUTTAKE VOICES™

With gay marriage headed to the US Supreme Court next week it seems that every day
we’re receiving more & more positive reinforcement of marriage equality. Now The American Academy of Pediatrics that represents over 60,000 physicians says it’s in the best interests of children if gays & lesbians are allowed to legally marry. The group will make an official announcement with a statement in the April edition of Pediatrics journal. Members say they took five years to study the issue & arrived at a final policy decision.
Ellen Perrin, who co-author the Academy’s position stated, “We were charged with this question — is marriage equality for same-gender couples in the best interests of children? If a child has two loving & capable parents who create a permanent relationship in the way of marriage, that’s in the child’s best interests.” Of course this isn’t surprising to our LGBT community especially in Massachusetts where gay marriage has been the law since 2004. Now with nine states that have passed gay marriage in the US what isn’t in the best interest of children of gay & lesbian parents who are legally married is denying millions of tax-paying LGBT citizens across this country the same federal rights, benefits protection for their families as heterosexual couples receive. Updates to Come…:)
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