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Supreme Court Hears Prop 8 Case

By Charlotte Robinson, March 26, 2013
The first day of the historic US Supreme Court gay marriage cases has begun. The United States Supreme Court heard oral argument in Hollingsworth v. Perry the federal constitutional challenge to California’s Proposition 8. Theodore B. Olson Plaintiffs’ lead co-counsel argued, “This case is about marriage & equality. The Plaintiffs we represent are two loving couples who, like millions of other gay & lesbian Americans, are being denied the fundamental right to marry & the right to be treated with equal dignity & respect under the law. This discrimination cannot be squared with the principle of equality & the unalienable right to liberty & the pursuit of happiness that is the bedrock promise of our Constitution. The day it is ended, we will be closer to fulfilling the dream of all Americans.” David Boies, Plaintiffs’ lead co-counsel added, “Fourteen times the Supreme Court has stated that the freedom to marry is one of the most fundamental rights—if not the most fundamental right—of all Americans. The denial of the right to marry causes grave harm to gay & lesbian Americans & the children they are raising. It serves no legitimate state interest. As full & equal citizens under our Constitution, gay & lesbian Americans cannot be denied the basic, fundamental freedom to marry.” Oral argument in Hollingsworth v. Perry was attended by  Plaintiffs Kris Perry & Sandy Stier & Paul Katami & Jeff Zarrillo. Also attending were AFER Board President Bruce Cohen & AFER Board Members Dustin Lance Black, Chad Griffin, Jonathan Lewis, Ken Mehlman, Rob and Michele Reiner & other fortunate activists including Cleve Jones. Updates to Come…:)
For Rallies In Your State…. 
AUDIO: Listen To Celebrities Supporting LGBT Equality

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