The Indiana State House has approved the nation’s most anti LGBT legislation that allows homophobes to discriminate against our LGBT community in the name of protecting religious freedom. The legislation was modeled after a 22-year old federal law known as the Religious Freedom & Restoration Act. This is the law that was used at the US Supreme Court when they allowed Hobby Lobby to opt out of the Affordable Care Act requirement that they cover contraceptives. Governor Mike Pence (R-Indiana) who said he will sign the bill is being urged to veto SB 101, one of the most backward anti LGBT laws in the nation by allowing individuals to ignore any law they deem to conflict with their religious beliefs. There’s a broad coalition of groups in Indiana against the proposed law including civil rights & faith leaders, small business owners & the Indiana Chamber of Commerce. Rea Carey, National LGBTQ Task Force Action Fund Executive Director stated, “Lawmakers in Indiana have chosen to ignore an unprecedented chorus of voices speaking out in opposition to this draconian bill. Governor Pence now has the opportunity to follow the lead of former Governor Jan Brewer (R-AZ) in similar circumstances & to veto this appalling law. The truth is, this new law will undoubtedly damage Indiana’s reputation as a welcoming place. Instead, the state will now be viewed as completely out-of-step & a place where it isn’t good to live & do business. What these politicians are peddling as 'religious liberty' is not real religious liberty. This law is an out-right recipe for discrimination and persecution.”
Please Call Governor Pence at 317-232-4567 to ask him to veto this unprecedented attack on religious liberty.
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