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LGBT Military Conference Event

By Charlotte Robinson, March 04, 2015
Outserve-SLDN will present its 4th Annual Leadership Conference entitled “Hall of Heroes” from March 26th to March 29th in San Diego at the W Hotel. The conference was created to bring together individuals over the course of 3 days to have discussions on current issues, examine existing concerns, participate in professional networking, share best practices, formulate strategies & future plan for the LGBT military community. Matt Thorn, Interim Executive Director stated, “We are looking forward to our 4th annual leadership conference in San Diego. This conference is about producing a global forum on creating an environment of respect in the military with regards to sexual orientation & gender identity. Our 4th annual conference will bring together attendees who are an honor roll of actively serving & retired service members, advocates, supporters & experts whose efforts have fundamentally changed experiences for LGBT military personnel. With collaborations, such as this, our work for the LGBT community advances far more rapidly.” The conference will feature speakers: Brett Jones, author of Pride: the Story of the First Openly Gay Seal; Steve Snyder-Hill, author of Soldier of Change from the Closet to the Forefornt of the Gay Rights Movement; Kristen Beck, author of Warrior Princess: A US Navy Seals Journey to Coming Out Transgender & Joan Walsh, MSNBC Political Analyst & Salon.com Editor-At-Large.
For More Info: outserve-sldn.org
LISTEN: Mariah Hanson Talks The Dinah Palm Springs April 1-5
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


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