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LGBTQ React To Religious Order

By Charlotte Robinson, May 04, 2017
Though once again our LGBTQ community was spared a direct hit by the Trump administration we denounce his executive order easing the restrictions on politicking by tax exempt religious institutions, chipping away at a woman’s right to choose & the symbolism of signing it on the National Day of Prayer itself is an unconstitutional endorsement of religious belief. Rea Carey, Executive Director, National LGBTQ Task Force stated, "This order manipulates faith to advance the proliferation of discrimination against people who rely on reproductive contraception for their healthcare needs as well as tax payer funded use of money in politics to promote discrimination. The impact of this state-sponsored discrimination will be felt by women, LGBTQ people & other marginalized communities. The irony of this order is that millions of people of faith are affronted by the fact that Trump is misusing religious freedom to promote something they believe is morally wrong. Instead of providing ‘regulatory relief’ to those who want to be able to discriminate by imposing their faith on others, our leaders should be working diligently to give relief to the millions of people who are still vulnerable. Also, millions of people in this country will be deeply offended that Trump cited Dr. Martin Luther King Jr — who would have been appalled by this attempt to promote prejudice or bias in the name of religious freedom. Our constitution clearly already preserves these rights and covers the freedom of religion. No executive order will ever change that fundamental right."
LISTEN: GLAAD's Sarah Kate Ellis-Henderson Talks Resistance
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


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Our nation’s founding fathers designed the Constitution to protect religious freedom, not to legalize overt discrimination and impinge on the basic human dignity of others. The President’s ‘religious liberty’ executive order will harm vulnerable people, including members of the LGBT community, under this guise. GMHC condemns this order in the strongest possible terms, and will continue to resist this administration’s sustained attack on LGBT rights.

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