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Boston Lesbian Founders To Be Honored

By Charlotte Robinson, October 22, 2019
In Boston “Rally For Lesbians 55+” is sponsoring a historic event entitled “Honoring Our Lesbian Founders” who had the courage to have brought us all together during a time when being LGBTQ was dangerous. Prior to Stonewall you could be arrested just for being yourself. Sue Reamer Rally Coordinating Committee Member stated, “At a time when safe public social space in Greater Boston was non-existent for lesbians, six of these lesbians created safe social spaces in churches & in their homes where lesbians feel relaxed, safe & comfortable together! It is time to honor these generous, brave lesbian founders & those also who subsequently created social groups for older lesbians.” This event will be held Sunday October 27th from 1P to 3P at the Brookline Senior Center on the 3rd Floor Auditorium at 93 Winchester Street in Brookline, MA. An honoring ceremony will celebrate the founders & members of seven Boston area lesbian organizations. Sue Katz will host the event & will recognize DOB (Daughters of Bilitis) founders Lois Johnson & Sheri Claire Barden; Lesbian Liberation founder Sue Katz; OLE (Older Lesbian Energy) founders Toni Schiff & Araya Fast; Ova 4D (Lesbians Over 40) founders Candy Feldt & Doreen Michaels; (Rally For Lesbians 55+) founder Jan Taylor; Boston OLAC Chapter (Old Lesbians Organizing for Change) founders Sarah Pearlman & Alice Fisher & Flashback Elders of Color founders Shirley Royster & Gloria Charles. There will also be a Q & A session & light refreshments will be served.
LISTEN: Cheryl Osimo Talks MBCC Oct 26th Party For Prevention

Hear Audio Chats w/ LGBTQ Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

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