Boston Pride has named Reina Ysaguirre-Boersma as Director of Outreach & Development & Pierce Durkin as Director of Operations for the nonprofit organization. The new hires were made after a strategic planning session of Boston Pride’s Board of Directors which determined that additional staffing is necessary to carry out the mission of the 49-year old LGBTQ organization. Linda J. DeMarco, Boston Pride President stated, “As Boston Pride has been growing, the Board of Directors has been working on a Strategic Plan to add staff to the organization. Over the years to prepare for this move, we have been fiscally responsible in reserving funds to allow us to make this move. With the help of our connections with other Prides & speaking with other LGBTQ+ leaders, we were able to acquire strong candidates to fulfill the needs of the organization.” Reina Ysaguirre-Boersma has volunteered for 13 years at several Pride organizations including Boston & Bellingham, WA serving in various capacities in organizational management, strategic planning & fundraising. Pierce Durkin joins the Boston Pride team after 17 years of volunteering for Pride Organizations. Pierce served as Treasurer of NYC Pride (Heritage of Pride) where he played a major role in the recent successful World Pride celebration & in the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Inn Uprising. Boston Pride produces events & activities to achieve inclusivity, equality, respect & awareness in Greater Boston & beyond. Fostering diversity, unity, visibility & dignity they educate, communicate & advocate by building & strengthening community connections. Boston Pride Week 2020 will be held Friday June 5th to Sunday June 15th.
For More Info: bostonpride.org
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