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Beware Of The Ides Of March 2020

By Charlotte Robinson, March 15, 2020
Beginning the weekend hunkered down in Boston on Friday the 13th & ending with Sunday falling on The Ides of March, with the Coronavirus Beware of The Ides of March has a whole new meaning. The Ides of March is the 74th day in the Roman calendar that corresponds to March 15th as a deadline for settling debts. It’s just been reported that in Italy slammed with 21,157 Coronavirus cases & 1,441 deaths Italy is canceling mortgage bills. As we comply with social distancing going on social media & reading passionate pleads from around the world to stay safe & healthy are becoming all too common. This one from an American in Paris we thought needed to be shared for those in the USA hoping for the best outcome & bracing for the worse who stated, “It’s Midnight in Paris & we are wondering if wine stores are considered groceries & will they remain open? It’s kinda funny. Also not at all, especially for all the producers & store workers. All public restaurants & bars are closing tomorrow. I am more at ease, in a way, as the parameters of life have closed for me. I’m also feeling trapped. I cried & cried & cried today, especially seeing friends in the USA post that they are sick. I lost my temper, which is rare. Gratefulness is an antidote to despair. I am grateful for all of you!” It’s been reported that NYC may also close their restaurants Monday so all we can suggest is call your loved ones, continue to wash your hands & keep up with the social distancing & hopefully we will survive this pandemic. Updates to Come...
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