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Closures That Will Dominate Our Lives

By Charlotte Robinson, March 16, 2020
With the spreading of COVID-19 the new norm will include the closures of restaurants, bars & nightclubs including prohibiting all on-premises consumption of food or drink at bars & restaurants from March 17th to April 6th in Boston. Also in the Commonwealth all K-12 schools will be closed until at least Monday April 27th. Massachusetts has also banned all public or private gatherings of more than 25 people. So say good-bye to life as we know it as we embraced for the onslaught of the Coronavirus. Each day watching the local & network news with extreme trepidation hoping for the best & preparing for the worse. So our social distancing lifestyle for today will only include trips to the grocery stores, hoping for supplies to be restocked as we walk by empty aisles where paper goods, produce, & meats & poultries once were. Get ready to work only from home if your work has not ceased to exist due to COVID-19 & binge-watch taped entertainment since all live performances & sporting events have been canceled for at least a month. As I look for a soothsayer for advice my Daily Horoscope stated, “Getting down to business when it comes to money or personal health matters could be a major boon as the Moon makes supportive aspects to the planets in your chart that govern these areas. You might engage in a conversation at home related to your daily wellness routine or finances that leads to a fresh perspective on these topics. What you soon realize is that caring for yourself & for your resources means you will ultimately have more freedom & fewer limitations. Independence is paramount to you, so take advantage of the day's supportive cosmic weather to set yourself up for just that.”
Check Your Horoscope…
LISTEN: Imani Rupert-Gordon Talks NCLR & LGBTQ Equality
Hear Audio Chats w/ LGBTQ Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

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