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LPAC & Senator Baldwin In Boston

By Charlotte Robinson, March 06, 2020
LPAC (Lesbian Political Action Committee) with special guest Senator Tammy Baldwin hosted a very powerful summit attended by Boston’s LGBTQ women leaders to address Senator Elizabeth Warren ending her bid for the presidency & how we move forward. Though the group appeared to agree in shifting their support to Biden, the focus of the conversation was on the importance of taking back the democratic majority in the US Senate. Stephanie Sandberg LPAC Executive Director stated, “We were thrilled to host Senator Baldwin last night -- her insights & commitment to progressive values, her leadership in the Senate & the example she provides girls & women everywhere, underscore the importance of LPAC's work. As the only organization solely dedicated to electing more LGBTQ women to office, we're always grateful for such opportunities to bring our mission to life!” Senate Baldwin was the first openly LGBTQ person ever elected to the U.S. Senate & has been at the forefront of LGBTQ politics for many years. It was definitely a night out discussing politics with a group of energized inspiring women. Baldwin intimately shared her spin on the current Senate situation & after her remarks was very generous to stay around & chat with members of the LPAC community. The Boston LPAC event was co-chaired by Elyse Cherry, Diane Felicio, Jan Donley, Shari Weiner, Joanna Hochman & Sue Reamer. The next LPAC event is in Texas hosted by Lez Talks Dallas on Monday March 9P at 6:30P. They will be joined by Gina Ortiz Jones, who is running for the U.S. House & by Texas State Representatives Julie Johnson, Jessica González, Mary González & Erin Zwiener.
For More Info: teamlpac.com
LISTEN: Mariah Hanson Talks The Dinah Palm Springs Turning 30
Hear Audio Chats w/ LGBTQ Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

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