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LGBTQ COVID-19 Health Update

By Charlotte Robinson, March 26, 2020
Fenway Health in Boston has released a policy brief outlining the ways in which our LGBTQ community & people living with HIV are likely to be affected by COVID-19 & the factors that may put them at elevated risk for infection. Sean Cahill, Director of Health Policy Research at The Fenway Institute stated, “Everyone is at risk of infection in this pandemic. But history shows that people who are marginalized & consequently experience disparities in health will suffer disproportionately greater harms than the general population. Because of higher rates of chronic disease & risk factors like smoking & vaping, LGBTQIA+ people & people living with HIV should strictly adhere to social distancing guidelines & take care of their health as best they can right now.” LGBTQ older adults also experience higher rates of social isolation than straight & cisgender age peers. Cahill added, “A real concern for LGBTQIA+ people during this pandemic is that we know that they avoid seeking needed health care due to previous experiences of discrimination in health care settings or the fear of experiencing discrimination. We’ve also seen new policies enacted at the federal level & in some states that make it easier for health care providers to refuse treatment based on religious or moral beliefs. Discrimination in health care is never acceptable. During an unprecedented global health emergency, this is especially true.” Remember that people with chronic health conditions, including HIV/AIDS may be at elevated risk of serious complications from COVID-19. So make sure you stick to your health condition treatments regimen by taking your medications daily & engaging in other activities to remain healthy such as eating well & exercising.
For More Info: fenwayhealth.org
LISTEN: Sarah F. Pearlman Talks Must-Read Lesbian Novella
Hear Audio Chats w/ LGBTQ Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

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