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Provincetown Film Festival Cancelled

By Charlotte Robinson, March 23, 2020
 So many postponements & cancellations as we brace for the next level of COVID-19 in Massachusetts. First Wicked Queer Boston’s LGBTQ Film Festival was postponed to a later date in 2020 & now the Provincetown International Film Festival has decided not to produce this year’s festival originally scheduled for June 17th to the 21st. Rachael Brister, CEO of PFS & PIFF Executive Director stated, “While this decision was a very difficult one for the Provincetown Film Society’s staff & Board of Directors, we know it was the right one. The health & safety of our local town & the supportive community of filmmakers, film industry professionals & audiences that travel to Provincetown each year for the film festival is our chief priority. We hope to present programming in 2020 that not only moves our mission forward but will also galvanize our community at a time when the need to come together (virtually or otherwise) is vital.” Also in Provincetown the Waters Edge Cinema temporarily closed as well due to COVID-19. I’m sure all the other regularly scheduled New England film events will follow & cancel or postpone their summer festivals with growing concerns over the global coronavirus pandemic. Everyone needs to take similar precautions to protect the health & safety of their patrons, guests & staff. Entertainment as we know it is going to have to reinvent itself transforming from live to online as social distancing becomes the new norm from this time on. Note: The Provincetown International Film Festival will be providing updates including information regarding reimbursements for passes already sold.
For More PIFF Info: provincetownfilm.org
LISTEN: Sarah F. Pearlman Talks Must-Read Lesbian Novella
Hear Audio Chats w/ LGBTQ Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

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