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LGBTQ Remains Criminal In Singapore

By Charlotte Robinson, March 30, 2020
Disappointing news out of Singapore that the High Court has dismissed three different cases challenging the constitutionality of section 377A of the country's Penal Code which criminalizes LGBTQ relationships. Section 377A of the Penal Code is a relic of British Colonial rule & prescribes imprisonment of up to 2 years. All three challenges were dismissed today by Justice See Kee Oon who highlighted that section 377A does not violate the constitution & “continues to serve its purpose of safeguarding public morality by showing societal moral disapproval of male homosexual acts ”. Jessica Stern, Executive Director of OutRight Action International stated, “It is incredibly disappointing to see the High Court of Singapore uphold this colonial-era law. Even while lying dormant, such laws send a strong message - that gay & bisexual men are not only second class citizens, but also criminals, purely for who they love. Today that message was amplified, legitimizing societal hate, discrimination & exclusion of LGBTIQ people in Singapore.” Lawyer Remy Choo, a former participant of OutRight Action International's annual Advocacy Week, who represented plaintiff Bryan Choong, concluded, “Victory isn’t ours today, but I’m confident that one day it will be. One of my favorite quotes, from a book from my childhood - Winnie the Pooh -, is 'Rivers know this: there is no hurry. We shall get there someday'. For now, we press on.” 68 countries around the world including Singapore continue to criminalize same-gender relations. The plaintiffs & their lawyers will be exploring options for appeal. OutRight Action International works at a global, regional & national level to eradicate the persecution, inequality & violence LGBTQ people face around the world & has recognized consultative status at the United Nations.
For More Info: outrightinternational.org
LISTEN: Sarah F. Pearlman Talks Must-Read Lesbian Novella
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