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LGBTQ Parent Status In Penn High Court

By Charlotte Robinson, May 29, 2024

Organizations advocating on behalf of LGBTQ families & their children have filed a friend-of-the-court brief urging the Pennsylvania Supreme Court to issue a ruling protecting a lesbian mother’s parental status & affirming the recognition of legal parentage for children born through assisted reproduction. Polly Crozier, Director of Family Advocacy at GLBTQ Legal Advocates & Defenders stated, “There is no question that Nicole Junior is a parent to her child, & the Pennsylvania Supreme Court should quickly affirm the Superior Court’s en banc ruling to ensure security & clarity for everyone in the family. Having a secure legal parent-child relationship is critical to a child’s wellbeing. Many hopeful parents across Pennsylvania - including many LGBTQ+ people - are building or seeking to build loving, stable families through assisted reproduction. Pennsylvania law, through the courts & the legislature, should reflect the reality of how contemporary families are formed & ensure that all children have access to the rights & protections that come from having their relationship to their parents recognized & secured. We’re grateful to be working alongside White & Case LLP & our many partner organizations to advocate for children & families across Pennsylvania.” Shannon Minter, NCLR’s Legal Director concluded, “This case presents a critical opportunity for the Pennsylvania Supreme Court to clarify that children born through assisted reproduction deserve the same security & stability as other children. We are hopeful the Court will quickly affirm the decision below & ensure that families created through assisted reproduction have clear protections & that lower courts have clear guidance about how to apply the law to these families.” 

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