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PFLAG Gender Spectrum Community

By Charlotte Robinson, May 02, 2024

PFLAG National has announced that beginning May 20th parents & caregivers of transgender & gender-diverse children who had found support through the nonprofit Gender Spectrum can once again connect in community through PFLAG National. This new partnership comes on the heels of Gender Spectrum’s announcement of its closure last September. PFLAG National’s Gender Spectrum Parent Community is the most recent addition to the PFLAG Connects Communities program that launched in 2021. Brian K. Bond PFLAG National CEO stated, “For years, whenever a family with a gender-diverse child or teen attended a local PFLAG chapter support meeting, we would also introduce them to our friends at Gender Spectrum. So, when this trusted partner announced they were closing, there was no hesitation. PFLAG National needed to ensure families with transgender, nonbinary & gender-diverse children continued to have wraparound support. It was also critical that we launch the PFLAG Connects: Gender Spectrum Parent Community in time for June & Pride Month. Joining these kinds of support meetings is one way love takes action & it tells a gender-diverse kid that their parents’ love takes pride.” Stephanie Brill Gender Spectrum Founder concluded, “Gender Spectrum has been a source of community, education & support for parents, families, educators & providers who love, support, teach & provide care for gender-diverse youth since 2006. In September 2023 we made the very difficult decision to close our doors. When our friends at PFLAG National heard the news, they reached out & proposed partnering with us to make our most essential services available to a bigger & wider network of people across the country.” PFLAG Connects Communities program also hosts community-specific monthly virtual support meetings for Asian American/Pacific Islander, Black & African American, Latino & Military families. 

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