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Marriage Equality 20th Year (VIDEO)

By Charlotte Robinson, May 17, 2024

In Massachusetts May 17th marks the 20th anniversary of marriage equality. It was a watershed moment in the history of civil rights when the landmark Goodridge ruling designated the constitutional right of gay & lesbian marriages in Massachusetts. At midnight on May 17th in 2004 Cambridge, MA became the first city in the United States to issue marriage licenses for gay & lesbian couples. Mary L. Bonauto GLAD’s Senior Director of Civil Rights stated, "When the SJC decided Goodridge, it forever changed the standards for how LGBTQ+ people must be treated under law & raised the bar for equality across the country. This momentous victory would not have happened without the courage, commitment & perseverance of the fourteen Goodridge plaintiffs. Their willingness to repeatedly open themselves to public scrutiny, to share the truth of their lives with their neighbors & to face opposition from powerful leaders & institutions, ushered in legal & cultural shifts toward greater acceptance, protection & integration of LGBTQ+ people & families in our communities. We remain grateful for the powerful & empowering efforts of the Goodridge plaintiffs in making marriage equality a reality in Massachusetts & beyond.” I was there & directed & produced this historic award-winning short film “OUTTAKE: Gay Marriage 2004” shot from midnight on May 17th 2004 in Cambridge & throughout the day in Boston when marriage equality officially became the law in Massachusetts. The film became instrumental in the passage of marriage equality nationwide in 2013 & was shot by Kirsten Martin & narrated by Arline Isaacson, Co-Chair of the Massachusetts Gay & Lesbian Political Caucus. WATCH VIDEO

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