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Feds Still Appealing “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”

By Charlotte Robinson, May 01, 2011
As our LGBT community deals with Congress & their
law firms defending DOMA, the Department of Justice
continues to present arguments to enforcement 'Don't
Ask, Don't Tell’. Log Cabin Republicans Executive
Director R. Clarke Cooper stated that "Despite the
President's fervent wish that Log Cabin Republicans v.
United States would just go away, the case goes on &
will go on until the threat of discharge is removed
permanently. Log Cabin Republicans made a vow to
stand up for our men & women in uniform & that fight
goes on today." So much for a smooth transition with
repealing of DADT. Updates to Come….:)
Exclusive Audio Montage with Boston LGBT
Film Festival Insiders, Filmmakers, LGBT Leaders

& Allies @ Debut Party
. The Film Fest runs
from May 5 -15th

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
Support Our Vision @ OUTTAKE™ EQUALITY STORE...:)
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

1 comment:

Dan Woods said...

Log Cabin Republicans v. United States is still alive and kicking in our court system for very good reason. This case is necessary because discharges and investigations are still happening, it is necessary because we need to keep the pressure on to ensure that repeal actually happens, and it is necessary as insurance to set the precedent so that 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' can't come back. Log Cabin Republicans was willing to delay this appeal briefly while the certification process proceeds but only if the government agreed not to discharge any more servicemembers under DADT. It was and is unfortunate and inexplicable that government did not accept our proposal.

Dan Woods, Partner @ White & Case who is Representing Log Cabin Republicans

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