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Anti-Gay Uganda Ambassador Fined

By Charlotte Robinson, May 31, 2011
Well this is a sign of hope in Uganda. South Africa's
ambassador to Uganda has been found guilty of hate
speech for an anti-gay column he wrote before his
appointment according to the South African Human
Rights Commission said Tuesday. Commission
spokesman Vincent Moaga said a judge ruled that the
2008 newspaper column headlined "Call me names,
but gay is NOT OK" by veteran journalist Jon Qwelane
promoted hatred. Qwelane was ordered to apologize &
pay a fine of 100,000 rand (about $14,000) that the
human rights commission will donate to a gay rights
organization. Moaga said the case sent an important
message at a time when a series of rapes & other attacks
on lesbians has raised concern about homophobic
violence in South Africa. Updates to Come...:)
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1 comment:

Vincent Moaga said...

We are hoping really that this finding will send a message to community members, a message that says gay and lesbian people have an equal right to the protection of their dignity and rights. One of the major legacies of apartheid is that of intolerance towards difference - be it in terms of race, religion, nationality, ethnicity, sexual orientation or other such factors. As a result, 17 years after South Africa's first democratic elections, the country is still grappling to find ways to better manage difference.

Vincent Moaga, South African Human Rights Commission

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