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So Steven Tyler Tried Gay Sex...

By Charlotte Robinson, May 18, 2011
Steven Tyler the androgynous Aerosmith front man
& "American Idol" judge has written a new memoir,
"Does the Noise in My Head Bother You?" which came
out Tuesday. And speaking of coming out, of course
the media is having a hay day with the disclosure about
his experimentation with his sexuality. Tyler states,
“Gay sex just doesn't do it for me. I tried it one time
when I was younger, but I just didn't dig it.”
Well Steven I tried heterosexual sex when I was younger
but I didn’t dig it either...:)
Tyler weaves an interesting story of his 63 years from
growing up in working class New York City & rural
New Hampshire, "I was a mountain boy, barefoot & wild".
He’s also truthful about his early years of being rich, famous
& drug induced "For the whole of the '70s we were all
nicely f**ked up & deep-fried". I was never really a Steven
Tyler fan until a few years ago I saw him perform with
Chris Botti & the Boston Pops. He was amazing walking on
stage in all his rock threads with a full symphony behind him
in back tie singing "Cryin". Check Out our Review..:)
Also there's an interesting on-demand story on Tyler
on the Bio Channel that's worth watching.
Conclusion of Exclusive Audio Chats with
Filmmakers about their films appearing @

Boston LGBT Film Festival & more...


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1 comment:

Steven Tyler said...

Gay sex just doesn't do it for me. I tried it one time when I was younger, but I just didn't dig.
I've been misquoted as saying that I'm more female than male. Let me set the record straight -- it's more half and half, and I love the fact that my feelings are akin to puella eternis (Latin for "the eternal girl"). What better to be like than the stronger of the species? I've never had a relationship with a woman who really trusted me. I'm this guy onstage with an outrageous, larger-than-life persona, a persona designed to be over-the-top, out there -- and nasty. As a kid I got into street fights in the Bronx all the time -- an hour and a half they went on, I'd come home bloody as hell. … I got spit on in school and called "N****r Lips." The kids would snap my earlobes with their fingers, which was especially painful on freezing cold days. On how Aerosmith did cocaine, one of the things we always put in our riders was that the promoter had to provide in the dressing room a full-length, 6-foot-long mirror. I would take the local promoter's rep into the dressing room and he'd say, "Well, there's the 6-foot mirror you requested, Steven." And I'd say, "I can see the mirror all right, but where the f**k's the 3-foot razor blade?"

Steven Tyler excerpts & quotes from "Does the Noise in My Head Bother You?"

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