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Gay Marriage 7th Anniversary

By Charlotte Robinson, May 17, 2011
This is the 7th anniversary of the legalization of gay
marriage in Massachusetts. Massachusetts pioneered
gay marriage which is now legal in Connecticut, Vermont,
New Hampshire, Iowa & Washington D.C. Thousands of
gay couples have legally tied the knot in Massachusetts.
We wish you the best & thank you for your courage to love.
Some states are working very hard to pass gay marriage.
DOMA, (the Defense of Marriage Act) & Prop 8 were both
found unconstitutional in federal court. Whether states
have gay marriage, domestic partnerships, civil unions, or
without any legal protections under their state's laws, all
gay couples are denied the 1,138 federal rights of marriage.
With public opinion polls showing that America favors gay
marriage, we urge President Obama, Congress & all states
with discriminatory laws on their books to stand for justice
& equality for all people, as the Constitution requires, &
work together to uphold the American tradition of fairness
& equality by ending marriage discrimination.
Conclusion of Exclusive Audio Chats with
Filmmakers about their films appearing @

Boston LGBT Film Festival & more...


Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

1 comment:

Arline Isaacson said...

In order to win the right for gay people to marry it takes a number of variables that include working very very hard but just as importantly, working smart. It means trying to think like the enemy. Trying to think like our opponents. Trying to anticipate every step of the way what will they do? How will they do it? How will it be received? What can we do to preemptly try and thwart their efforts and what can we do to preemptly try and trump their efforts? That’s one of the things we did so well in Massachusetts and it made all the difference in the world. We quite literally in Massachusetts out-lobbied our opponents, out-maneuvered our opponents, out-parliamentary procedured our opponents and out-organized our opponents every step of the way.

Arline Isaacson, Co-Chair, Massachusetts Gay & Lesbian Political Caucus & one of the architects of gay marriage in Massachusetts

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